Top 10 Facts About Upcoming Romantic Movie “Knight Of Cups (2015)” !!

Knight Of Cups (2015) is an upcoming romantic/drama movie directed and written by Terrence Malick. The movie stars Christian Bale, Natalie Portman, Cate Blanchett, Jason Clarke, and Wes Bentley in the lead roles.

Knight of Cups (2015) is the fictional story of an aspiring screenwriter living in LA tries to make sense of the strange events occurring around him.

Knight of Cups (2015) is a long time ambitious project of director Terrence Malick. Today, I have put together a list of interesting facts and details about Knight of Cups (2015). Have a quick look.

Knight of Cups (2015) movie Poster
Knight of Cups (2015) movie Poster


10. There was no script for the film. All of the scenes were improvised.

9. According to Christian Bale, Terrence Malick didn’t tell the actors what the film was about Untill the shooting started.

8. Christian Bale said that at the start of each day’s shoot he wouldn’t know what would happen to his character.

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7. In tarot cards, if the card, Knight of Cups, is upright, it represents change and new excitements, particularly of a romantic nature. It can mean invitations, opportunities, and offers. The Knight of Cups is a person who is a bringer of ideas, opportunities and offers. He is constantly bored, and in constant need of stimulation, but also artistic and refined. He represents a person who is amiable, intelligent, and full of high principles, but a dreamer who can be easily persuaded or discouraged. Reversed, the card represents unreliability and recklessness. It indicates fraud, false promises and trickery. It represents a person who has trouble discerning when and where the truth ends and lies begin.

6. The title of the film refers to the tarot card “Knight of Cups”.

5. Christian Bale had no lines to learn and Terrence Malick only gave him the character description.

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4. While there wasn’t an actual script Terrence Malick would write multiple pages of dialogue for some of the actors and encouraged them to use whatever part of the dialogue they wanted. Despite playing the lead character Christian Bale received no writing for himself. This prompted Bale to try to sneak a peek of the other actors’ pages to ascertain what he could expect in each scene.

3. The first poster for the film features ‘The Tree Of The Soul’ by Dionysius Andreas Freher (1649-1728), a Christian mystic born in Germany, who was particularly fascinated by and wrote extensively about the ideas of Jacob Böhme (1575-1624), a German mystic, philosopher and theologian who believed that humans fall from grace, and that in order to find God again, they have to go through hell first.

2. Knight of Cups has had a two-year post-production cycle.

1. The third film to star Christian Bale and have the word ‘Knight’ in the title, following The Dark Knight and its predecessor The Dark Knight Rises both directed by Christopher Nolan.

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18 Mindblowing Facts About Movie Terminator GeniSys (2015)!!

Terminator GeniSys (2015) is the 5th movie in the Terminator franchise. As all of its predecessors, this movie is also heavily action packed. The movie is directed by Alan Taylor and stars Emilia Clarke, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jason Clarke, And Jai Courtney.

Terminator GeniSys (2015) is set in a new time-line where Kyle Reese teams up with John Connor’s mother Sarah and an aging terminator to try and stop the one thing that the future fears, “Judgement Day”.

I Am Back (like Arnold) and as always I have put together a list of interesting facts and details about Terminator GeniSys (2015). Well, have a look and get ready to mindblown.

Terminator GeniSys 2015 Poster
Terminator GeniSys 2015 Poster

18. Terminator GeniSys (2015) is the first film in the series to actually show characters being sent back in time, and the machine that does it.

Time Machine in Terminator GeniSys
Time Machine in Terminator GeniSys

17. They had to shoot Cyberdyne on the NASA stage because there wasn’t any other place in Louisiana tall enough to hold the set.

Cyberdyne set
Cyberdyne set

16. Terminator GeniSys (2015) was released the same year as other new installments of classic film franchises that are reboots and sequels: “Jurassic World (2015)”, “Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)” and “Star Wars: Episode 7 – The Force Awakens (2015)”.

Terminator GeniSys
Terminator GeniSys

15. Throughout the Terminator saga (movies and TV series), the actresses portraying Sarah Connor are shorter and shorter: Linda Hamilton is 5′ 6″ (1,68 m), Lena Headey is 5′ 5½” (1,66 m) and now Emilia Clarke is 5′ 2″ (1,57 m).

Emilia Clarke and Jai Courtney
Emilia Clarke and Jai Courtney

14. Due to actor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s age, it was decided, instead of CGI to make Schwarzenegger look 30 years younger, that it should be written into the screenplay that the living human tissue that is generated and grown on the Terminator androids, giving them their human forms, can age like normal humans, and the Terminator in this film is older and has gray hair.

Arnold Schwarzenegger in Terminator GeniSys
Arnold Schwarzenegger in Terminator GeniSys

13. The film takes place on August 29, 1997, in the 2010s, in 2029, on May 12, 1984, in October 2017 and in 1973.

Emilia Clarke, Jai Courtney and Arnold Schwarzenegger
Emilia Clarke, Jai Courtney and Arnold Schwarzenegger

12. Paramount has greenlit 2 sequels to this film before it even opens, because regardless of how well or poor it does at the Box Office, all film rights to the Terminator franchise are set to revert back to James Cameron in the year 2019.

Terminator GeniSys 2015 movie
Terminator GeniSys 2015 movie

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11. The body of young Arnold Schwarzenegger in the movie (also seen in the film’s first trailer) is provided by actor and body-builder Brett Azar. Arnold famously sported an enormously muscular physique in his first appearance as the Terminator and to recreate that look for this movie,Brett Azar provided his physique and his face was replaced with Arnold’s in post-production. Arnold was always Brett Azar’s body-building idol and Arnold gifted him cigars and several body-building magazines after the first day of shooting.

Brett Azar as young Terminator T-800
Brett Azar as young Terminator T-800

10. Arnold Schwarzenegger worked out for six months, about three hours a day, before shooting started, by which time he had the exact same body weight and muscle measurements as he had 12 years previously while shooting Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003).

Arnold as Terminator Pops
Arnold as Terminator Pops

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