9 Mindblowing Facts About Earthquake Movie San Andreas (2015)!!

San Andreas (2015) is an  Action/Thriller movie directed by Brad Peyton and stars Dwayne The Rock Johnson in the lead. Earthquakes are always an interesting subject to talk about or watch it on big screen with this cast.

The movie is set in the aftermath of a massive earthquake of scale 9.0 triggered by San Andreas fault in California, a rescue-chopper pilot makes a dangerous journey across the state in order to rescue his daughter.

San Andreas 2015 Movie Poster
San Andreas 2015 Movie Poster

San Andreas (2015) has created quite a buzz around due to massive special effects and action in the movie. Meanwhile Let’s know some real crazy facts and interesting details about San Andreas (2015). Here it goes…

9. There is only a 16 year age difference between Dwayne Johnson and Alexandra Daddario, they played father and daughter in this movie.

8. After a devastating earthquake in Nepal in April 2015, the film’s marketing campaign was adjusted to include information about how to help relief efforts and to give guidance on how to prepare for natural disasters (e.g. a link to the site prepareandhelp.com was added to the newest trailers)

7. Notable earthquakes that have occurred on the San Andreas Fault include:

** 1680 Coachella Valley earthquake: This obscure quake is of interest to scientists because of its location – the southern end of the San Andreas Fault. The epicenter was believed to be somewhere between Indio and Palm Springs in Riverside County. This is the last known major quake of the largest, most dangerous fault line in the state of California. The magnitude was estimated to be about a 7.

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** 1857 Fort Tejon earthquake: About 217 miles (349 km) were ruptured in central and southern California. Though it is known as the Fort Tejon earthquake, the epicenter is thought to have been located far to the north, just south of Parkfield. Two deaths were reported. The magnitude was about 7.9.

** 1906 San Francisco earthquake: About 267 miles (430 km) were ruptured in Northern California. The epicenter was near San Francisco. At least 3000 people died in the earthquake and subsequent fires. The magnitude was estimated to be 7.8.

See also 11 Facts You Need To Know Before Watching Ant-Man (2015)!!

** 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake: About 25 miles (40 km) were ruptured (although the rupture did not reach the surface) near Santa Cruz, California, causing 63 deaths and moderate damage in certain vulnerable locations in the San Francisco Bay Area. Moment magnitude was about 6.9. The earthquake also postponed Game 3 of the 1989 World Series at Candlestick Park. This quake occurred on October 17, 1989, at approximately 5:04 P.M. PDT.

** 2004 Parkfield earthquake: On September 28, 2004, at 10:15 A.M. PDT, a magnitude 6.0 earthquake struck the Parkfield area. It was felt across the state, including the San Francisco Bay Area.

6. Some scenes were filmed in Bakersfield, California the largest a city in Kern County. (near 400,000 pop.)

5. The actual apartment used in the film Bullit, which is on the corner of Clay and Taylor St, is seen in this film. The street sign is clearly visible. With the apartment being in the background.

4. San Andreas is the name of the tectonic fault line that runs through most of California. Seismologists have been predicting for years that California is due for a massive earthquake caused by this particular fault.

3. Some of the flood footage seen on the news channels after the Hoover Dam is destroyed comes from a major flood that hit parts of Queensland in Australia in 2011. This can be identified by the Channel 7 logo in the bottom right hand corner of the screen

2. San Andreas (2015) marks the second collaboration between director Brad Peyton and actor Dwayne Johnson. They previously worked together onJourney 2: The Mysterious Island (2012).

1. On May 29, 2015 at 10:23 PM, the same day the film opened, a magnitude 3.8 earthquake was reported near Indio, California. 

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19 Facts You Need To Know About Ant-Man (2015)!!

Ant-Man (2015) is an Action/Comedy movie directed by Peyton Reed and produced by Marvel Studios. The movie stars Paul Rudd and Michael Douglas as Ant-Man/Scott Lang and Hank Pym.

Ant-Man (2015) is the story of a con-man Scott Lang, who is armed with a super-suit with the astonishing ability to shrink in scale but increase in strength, he must embrace his inner hero and help his mentor, Dr. Hank Pym, plan and pull off a heist that will save the world.

I have put together a list of Facts about the movie Ant-Man (2015). Let’s have a look

Ant-Man (2015) poster
Ant-Man (2015) poster

19. Director Edgar Wright, a big fan of Ant-Man, proposed the film to Marvel in 2003. He described it as “an action-adventure comedy; a cross-genre action and special effects bonanza.” He had been developing the movie since then, shooting a test reel, hiring the cast, and was close to begin shooting the movie. However, in 2014, he dropped out due to ‘creative differences’ between him and Disney, which had bought out Marvel Studios 5 years prior.

Edger Wright

Edgar Wright

Check out The Hateful Eight (2015) : 12 Brilliant Facts About The Upcoming Movie!! 18. In the comics Ant-Man also has the ability to grow large as well as small using the moniker Giant Man. In the movie he can only grow small by using the red vials (Pym Particles). There’s a set of blue vials next to them later when Hank gives Lang two discs that he can throw saying “Red shrinks, the blue enlarges.”

Ant-Man 2015

Ant-Man 2015

17. Actor Michael Douglas explained why he took the role of Hank Pym. He said “And most importantly, I did it for my children. They’re so excited. I’ve finally got a picture that they are so excited about. Dad is cool. You have to understand, for most of my career, I’ve done so many R-rated pictures. They can never see any of my movies. Just recently, at 14 and 12, they’re becoming more aware of some of the things that I’ve done. So, this is a lot of fun”.

Michael Douglas as Hank Pym

Michael Douglas as Hank Pym

16. The Falcon’s role in the movie plot came about after actors Adam McKay and Paul Rudd went to see Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) and fell in love with the character. They casually suggested working him into the plot, and producer Kevin Feige informed them that it’d actually make perfect sense since Falcon was now living at the New Avengers compound as of Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015).

The Falcon in Ant-Man 2015

The Falcon in Ant-Man 2015

Check out Annabelle (2014) : 11 Audacious Facts About The Cruel Doll Movie!! 15. Creator of most of Marvel Comics characters Stan Lee makes a cameo in the movie as the bartender who says a woman looks “stupid fine.”

Stan Lee in Ant-Man 2015

Stan Lee in Ant-Man 2015

14. The director of this film, Peyton Reed, was considered to direct Guardians of the Galaxy(2014), another Marvel Studios film, which was later directed by James Gunn. Reed was also attached at one point, to direct Fantastic Four(2005), a film adaptation based on another Marvel property, that was released by 20th Century Fox.

Guardians of The Galaxy 2014

Guardians of The Galaxy 2014

13. Peyton Reed is a huge Marvel fan and seized the opportunity to direct a film in the MCU even if it meant stepping in at the last minute to take over a project previously helmed by director Edgar Wright. Before the film’s release, he went on the record as saying he’d absolutely direct the sequel.

Peyton Reed and Paul Rudd

Peyton Reed and Paul Rudd

12. All 3 members of the Lang family have double letters in their names: ScoTT, CaSSie and MaGGie.

Scott Lang's Wife Maggie and Daughter CaSSie

Scott Lang’s Wife Maggie and Daughter CaSSie

Check out Avatar (2009) : 15 Fabulous Facts You Are Still Unaware Of!! 11. In an interview, Director Peyton Reed admitted that the reason Edgar Wright (Previous Director) left is because he wanted to make the film’s story be about an ant who is given the power to become a man (Paul Rudd), instead of a man becoming the size of an ant. Although a large portion of the script he wrote is still in the story.

Ant-Man movie scene

Ant-Man movie scene

10. According to lead actor Michael Douglas (Hank Pym), the costume for Paul Rudd had to be altered because of his muscles. Rudd had gone on an extensive training and workout regimen in order to build the proper muscle size for a superhero. But since Rudd had become so muscular, Douglas said “He was so cut, that they had to soften his costume up, with all the built-in six-packs and all of that.”

Paul Rudd as Scott Lang

Paul Rudd as Scott Lang

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14 Incredible Facts About The Movie Jurassic World (2015)!!

Jurassic World (2015) is a sequel to Jurassic Park (1993). The movie is directed by Colin Trevorrow and Stars Chris Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard and Vincent D’Onofrio in the lead.

The movie is set Twenty-two years after the events of Jurassic Park (1993), as Isla Nublar now features a fully functioning dinosaur theme park, Jurassic World, as originally envisioned by John Hammond. After 10 years of operation and visitor rates declining, in order to fulfill a corporate mandate, a new attraction is created to re-spark visitor’s interest, which backfires horribly.

I have gathered some interesting facts about the movie. Let’s have a look and decide for yourself.

Jurassic World 2015 movie Poster
Jurassic World 2015 movie Poster
14. It would cost approximately $24 Billion to build a real life Jurassic Park. The park itself would cost $1.5 Billion. It would cost an estimated $10 Billion to purchase an island off the coast of Costa Rica with 66 square miles of land. It would cost about $8 Million for a research and legal team, $9 Million to get dinosaur DNA and $8.5 Million to clone dinosaurs from it.
Nebula Island Map
Nebula Island Map
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13. There is a statue of the character John Hammond in Jurassic World (2015), as the founder of the Jurassic Park. This is to specifically honor Sir Richard Attenborough who played the role of John Hammond in Jurassic Park (1993) & The Lost World: Jurassic Park (1997). Sir Attenborough passed away August 24th, 2014. 
John Hammond statue in Jurassic World
John Hammond statue in Jurassic World
12. Jurassic World (2015) is the first film in the Jurassic Park series to feature an open fully functional dinosaur theme park. In Jurassic Park (1993), the park was under construction and not yet open, and in The Lost World: Jurassic Park (1997), Jurassic Park: San Diego wasn't entirely completed and lacked dinosaurs.
Jurassic Park 1993 movie
Jurassic World 2015 movie
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11. The gyrosphere in Jurassic World (2015) is Steven Spielberg's idea. According to director, then Spielberg "wanted to create a way for people to get up close and personal with the animals, to make it a self-driving, free-roaming experience". 
Zyrosphere in Jurassic World
Zyrosphere in Jurassic World 
10. Lead actor Irrfan Khan (Mr. Masrani) said in an interview that he didn't have money to buy a ticket for Steven Spielberg's Jurassic Park (1993).
Irfan Khan as Mr. Masrani in Jurassic World
Irfan Khan as Mr. Masrani in Jurassic World
9. In the trailers, the velociraptors appear to have been "tamed" by the park rangers. This may reference an idea by Dr. Wu, BD Wong's character, in the original novel where he suggests to John Hammond that they alter the dinosaurs DNA to "slow them down and domesticate them."
Velociraptors in Jurassic World
Velociraptors in Jurassic World
8. The fastest film to gross over $1 billion, in just 13 days, breaking Furious 7's record set 2 months earlier (taking 17 days to gross the same amount).
Jurassic World
Jurassic World
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7. The concept of sharks being used as dino fodder was Colin Trevorrow's idea, and was inspired by producer Steven Spielberg's filmJaws (1975).
Mosasaurus in Jurassic World
Mosasaurus in Jurassic World
6. The park from the first film plays a part in this movie. Jurassic World (2015) has more kills than other three Jurassic Park series combined. 
Kills in Jurassic World
Kills in Jurassic World
5. Bryce Dallas Howard's character is dressed in all white, thus paying homage to Richard Attenborough's character in original film. Both were directors of their respective parks.
Bryas Dallas Howard in Jurassic World
Bryas Dallas Howard in Jurassic World
4. The Lab is able to recreate the Dino through mosquitoes caught in amber. The Mosasaurus is usually under water. There is no way the mosquitoes could get the Mosasaurus blood.
Mosasaurus in Jurassic World
Mosasaurus in Jurassic World
3. Jurassic World (2015) is intended to be a direct sequel to Jurassic Park(1993). While the second and third films are still considered canon, they won't be mentioned.
Jurassic Park 1993
Jurassic Park 1993
2. The T-Rex in the film is the same T-Rex that appeared in the original Jurassic Park (1993). She bears visible scars from the climactic fight with the Velociraptors in the first film.
T-Rex in Jurassic World
T-Rex in Jurassic World
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1. "Indominus Rex" means "Fierce/Untamed King" in Latin, after the hybrid dinosaurs' erratically destructive and murderous nature.
Jurassic World 2015
Jurassic World 2015

16 Facts You Should Know About The Movie Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)!!

Mad Max: Fury Road (2015) is an Action packed reboot of Mad Max (1979). The movie is set in a stark desert landscape where humanity is broken, two rebels just might be able to restore order: Max, a man of action and of few words, and Furiosa, a woman of action who is looking to make it back to her childhood homeland.

Mad Max: Fury Road (2015) is been directed by iconic director George Miller and stars Tom Hardy as Max Rockantasky and Charlize Theron as Imperator Furiosa. The movie also stars Nicholas Hoult as Nux.

Mad Max fury road poster
Mad Max: fury road poster

I have put together a list of Interesting facts and details about Mad Max: Fury Road (2015). Let’s have a look.

16. The jacket worn by actor Tom Hardy in this movie is a replica of the one worn by actor Mel Gibson in the second two movies of the original trilogy. The Gibson jacket was found in storage at Kennedy-Miller and copied heavily.
Tom Hardy as Max in Mad Max: Fury Road
Tom Hardy as Max in Mad Max: Fury Road
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15. The flame-shooting guitarist shown in Mad Max: Fury Road (2015) is Australian artist/musician Sean Hape, better known as Iota. In an interview on Vice (2013), he said the guitar weighed 132 pounds, and shot real gas-powered flames, which he controlled using the whammy bar.
Flame Thrower Guitarist
Flame Thrower Guitarist
14. Mad Max: Fury Road (2015) is edited by Margaret Sixel. She is director George Miller's wife. When she asked her husband why he thought she should do it as she had never edited an action film before, Miller replied, "Because if a guy did it, it would look like every other action movie."
Mad Max: Fury Road 2015
Mad Max: Fury Road 2015
13. Actress Charlize Theron reportedly shaved her head for the role of Furiosa and as a result had to wear a wig for her role in movie A Million Ways to Die in the West (2014).
Charlize Theron as Furiosa
Charlize Theron as Furiosa
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12. Mad Max: Fury Road (2015) is considered an Ozploitation movie, an Australian genre and/or Australian exploitation movie. 
Mad Max: Fury Road
Mad Max: Fury Road
11. Since main antagonist in movie Immortan Joe wears a full breathing mask in all of his scenes, no part of his face below his eyes is ever seen. 
Immortan Joe in Mad Max: Fury Road
Immortan Joe in Mad Max: Fury Road
10. Instead of the reboot being a remake of Mad Max (1979), revealing how Max Rockantasky became The Road Warrior, George Miller decided that the reboot will take place in the post-apocalyptic Australia, years after the new Max (Tom Hardy) lost his family.  He did not wish to do a remake or retell the story that had already been told and had wanted to update the universe and the wasteland and wanted new moviegoers to remember Max as a man with nothing to lose after losing his family.
Mad Max: Fury Road 2015
Mad Max: Fury Road 2015
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9. Over 80% of the effects seen in Mad Max: Fury Road (2015) are real practical effects, stunts, make-up and sets. CGI was used sparingly mainly to enhance the Namibian landscape, remove stunt rigging and for Charlize Theron's left hand which in the film is a prosthetic arm.
Charlize Theron as Furiosa
Charlize Theron as Furiosa

10 Lesser Known Facts About Marvel’s The Amazing Spider Man (2012)!!

The Amazing Spider Man (2012) is an Action/Adventure movie produced under Marvel Studio and directed by Marc Webb. The movie stars Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone in lead roles as Peter Parker/Spider-Man and Gwen Stacy.

The Amazing Spider-Man poster
The Amazing Spider Man poster

The movie is re-imagining of Spider-Man movies with new technologies and fresh faces. The movie is set after Peter Parker is bitten by a genetically altered spider, he gains newfound, spider like powers and ventures out to solve the mystery of his parents mysterious death.

We have put together a list of 10 Facts related to The Amazing Spider Man (2012). Let’s have a quick look.

1. The Amazing Spider Man (2012) When first wearing  Spider-Man costume Andrew Garfield admitted to shedding tears.

2. After Denis Leary was cast, his friend Jeff Garlin, a Spider-Man fan, said “I knew you would get the part.” To which Leary replied “Why? Because I’m such a great actor?” Garlin then said, “no, because you look just like Captain Stacy.”

3. On selecting Andrew Garfield to play Peter Parker/Spider-Man, director Marc Webb said, “Though his name may be new to many, those who know this young actor’s work understand his extraordinary talents. He has a rare combination of intelligence, wit, and humanity. Mark my words, you will love Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker.

4. To prepare for his role as Spider-Man, Andrew Garfield studied the movements of spiders and tried to incorporate them as much as he could: “Parker is a boy/spider in terms of how he moves, and not just in the suit.”

5. Andrew Garfield requested that the song “Pure Imagination” from Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory (1971) be played when filming the otherwise silent scene in which Peter goes into the web harvesting room with the spiders.

6. When Peter Googles the name of his father Richard Parker, one of the options offered is “richard parker life of pi”, as the same name is given to a character in a novel which was adapted as the film Life of Pi (2012) about the same time as this film. Irrfan Khan appears in both films and speaks the name Richard Parker in both.

7. Before Andrew Garfield was announced for the lead part, Taylor Lautner, Josh Hutcherson,Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Logan Lerman, Robert Pattinson, Jamie Bell, Daniel Radcliffe, Michael Angarano, Michael Cera, Alden Ehrenreich, Zac Efron, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Xavier Samuel,Jim Sturgess, Liam Aiken and Anton Yelchinwere also considered to play the lead role.

8. According to costume designer Kym Barrett, the Spider-Man costume was specially designed to resemble an acrobat costume: “We wanted a design that would make the body longer and more lithe, someone incredibly agile; the legs of the spider-symbol on the chest were used to emphasize that.”

9. The film noticeably borrows a few story elements from the first seven issues of the Ultimate Spider-Man series. A few examples are that not only was Spider-Man’s mutation connected to OsCorp like in the comics, but also Spider-Man battled the villain in his school after the villain discovered his secret identity.

10. Emma Stone normally wears her hair red, but as Gwen Stacy she appears in her natural blonde.Bryce Dallas Howard, who played the same role in Spider-Man 3 (2007), is a natural redhead who had to dye her hair blonde.



19 Lesser Known Facts About Movie American Sniper (2014)!!


American Sniper (2014) Is an Action/Biography/Drama movie about the Navy SEAL sniper Chris Kyle, whose pinpoint accuracy saves countless lives on the battlefield and turns him into a legend. Back home to his wife and kids after four tours of duty, however, Chris finds that it is the war he can’t leave behind.

The movie is directed by Client Eastwood and starsBradley Cooper as Chris Kyle. American Sniper (2014) was Nominated for 6 Academy Awards including Best Picture at Oscars 2015. However it won 1 Oscar in the Best Sound Editing category.

Let’s look at some of the interesting Facts about American Sniper (2014).

19. In order to bulk up 40-plus pounds, Bradley Cooper ate around 8,000 calories a day. Using his own trainer, he worked out four hours a day for several months. Along with the massive intake of food and intense workouts, Cooper’s preparation also included twice-daily lessons with a vocal coach, as well as many hours spent studying footage of Chris Kyle. When it came to actually pointing a rifle, the actor trained with Navy SEAL sniper Kevin Lacz, who served with Kyle and was a consultant on the movie.

American Sniper 2015 Poster
American Sniper 2014 Poster

18. Chris Kyle met Lone Survivor (2013), Marcus Luttrell, during their BUD/s(SEAL Training) and became close friends with him although they graduated with different classes. They kept in contact often and remained friends for the remainder of Kyle’s life.

17. At his peak, Bradley Cooper could deadlift 425 pounds, twice his bodyweight, for 5 sets of 10 reps each. Cooper said that during a workout scene in the film where he’s seen deadlifting, he was actually deadlifting 425 pounds and that it wasn’t dummy weights on the set even though the film-makers suggested he use dummy weights for the scene.

16. Bradley Cooper initially bought the rights intending to only produce it with Chris Pratt starring, but changed his mind.

15. The real Chris Kyle once said that if there is a filmmaker that would make a film about him, it would only be Clint Eastwood and no one else.

14. Bradley Cooper wears the real Chris Kyle’s walking shoes in the film, and was given them for keeps after production wrapped. Cooper claimed in interviews upon the film’s release that he was still wearing the shoes for his personal use.

13. Bradley Cooper felt he could become Chris Kylebecause he and Chris have nearly the same height, age, shoe size and body frame. Once Cooper had built up his body and had grown out his beard, Chris Kyle’s friends and family said that they would do a double take while looking at Cooper because of how much he looked like Chris Kyle.

12. Chris Kyle’s actual 2100 yard (1920 m) shot was against an insurgent with a RPG (rocket propelled grenade) that was going to be fired on friendly forces.

11. Bradley Cooper really wanted to do justice to the size of Chris Kyle because he felt he would not be accurately portraying the man if he did not look huge like him. He said that after every take, he would go and ask the crew, “Did I look big enough?”

15 Facts About Oscar Winning Movie The Imitation Game (2014)!!

The Imitation Game(2014) is a biography of famous Mathematician Alan Turing. During World War ll, he tries to crack the enigma code with help from fellow Mathematician.

The movie is directed by Morten Tyldum and stars Benedict Cumberbatch as Alan Turing and Keira Knightley as Joan Clarke.

The movie was nominated for 8 Academy Awards including Best Picture at Oscars 2015.  The Imitation Game won 1 Oscar under Best writing, Adapted Screenplay category.

Let’s look at some of the interesting facts about Alan Turing and The Imitation Game.

15. Cumberbatch confessed that in one of the final scenes of the film he couldn’t stop crying and had a breakdown. It was, as he said, “being an actor or a person that had grown incredibly fond of the character and thinking what he had suffered and how that had affected him.”

The Imitation Game 2015 poster
The Imitation Game 2015 poster

14. In an interview with USA Today, Cumberbatch said of Turing’s Royal Pardon, “The only person who should be pardoning anybody is him (Turing). Hopefully, the film will bring to the fore what an extraordinary human being he was and how appalling (his treatment by the government was). It’s a really shameful, disgraceful part of our history.”

13. Benedict Cumberbatch and Alan Turing are actually related in real-life. According to the family history site Ancestry.com, the two are 17th cousins with family relations dating back to the 14th century. Both are said to be related to John Beaufort, the first Earl of Somerset, throughCumberbatch and Turing’srespective paternal lines.

12. The official film website attheimitationgamemovie.comallows visitors to unlock exclusive content by solving crossword puzzles conceived by Turing in his lifetime.

11. Mark Strong’s character, Stewart Menzies, is the basis forJames Bond’s boss “M” (for Menzies). Ian Fleming’s WWIIespionage work at the very least made him aware of the man who ran MI 6.

10.To play Turing, Cumberbatchwore dentures, at his own behest. No one else demanded that of him.

9. The movie went on general release in the UK on November 14th. Coventry was blitzed by the Luftwaffe on the same day in 1940. It is long rumoured that plans for the attack had been discovered by the Bletchley Park code breakers but no action was taken to stop it because the British Government were worried that such action would disclose the fact that the Enigma code had already been broken. The idea that the British knew about the pending attack on Coventry is incorrect. They knew there was an attack pending, but did not know where it would be made. The allegation that Churchill purposely withheld information so the Germans wouldn’t know their code had been broken is false.

8. Benedict Cumberbatch obtained his bachelor degree in Drama at the University of Manchester, the same university where Alan Turing continued his work on computing after the war.

7. Benedict Cumberbatch and Keira Knightley previously starred together in another WWII film, Atonement.

6. Leonardo DiCaprio was originally slated to star.

5. The bombe machine re-created by the filmmakers has been on display in a special “The Imitation Game” exhibition at Bletchley Park in the United Kingdom since 10 November 2014. The year-long exhibit also features clothes worn by the actors and props used in the film.

4. Though Turing’s surviving niece Inagh Payne agreed thatBenedict Cumberbatch’s casting as Alan Turing was very well suited.  she disagreed with Kiera Knightley’s casting as Joan Clarke stating that the real Joan was ‘rather plain’.

3. Cumberbatch and Knightleyhad personal milestones during the theatrical release of the film. Cumberbatch announced his engagement to theatre director Sophie Hunter in November 2014. Knightley announced that she is expecting her first child with musician husband James Righton the following month.

2. The railway station shown in the movie is Kings Cross railway station, London. The same station was shown in Harry Potter where Harry board the train to Hogwarts.

1. One of two espionage films that actress Keira Knightley appeared in during 2014 the other being Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit (2014).


21 Lesser Known Facts About Marvel’s The Avengers (2012)!!

Watch our video representation or Read the facts below

The Avengers (2012) is an Action/Adventure movie about the Earth’s mightiest heroes, who must come together and learn to fight as a team if they are to stop the mischievous Loki and his alien army from enslaving humanity.
The movie is made under Marvel Cinematic Universe and directed by Joss Whedon.

The movie stars Robert Downey Jr (as Iron-man), Chris Evans (as Captain America), Chris Hemsworth (as Thor), Mark Ruffalo (as Hulk), Tom Hiddlestone (as Loki), Scarlett Johansson (as Black Widow), Jeremy Renner (as Hawkeye) and Samuel Jackson (as Nick Fury).
The movie was a big Blockbuster and held many records worldwide.

Let’s look at some of the Kick-Ass Facts about the Movie The Avengers (2012).

Avengers 2012
Avengers 2012
21. Reportedly a scene was filmed where during the final battle Captain America saves an old man trying to protect his grandchildren. He tells him to 'Get them to cover' but as he walks away the old man asks him "Cap, is that really you?'. He turns and, noting the man's World War II veteran lapel pin, trades salutes with him. As Captain America sprints away the children ask their grandfather 'Do you know him?' and he replies 'We ALL know him'.
Captain America in Avengers 2012
Captain America in Avengers 2012
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20. There were very few times that everyone was in town at once, but on one night when they were,Chris Evans sent them all a text message simply saying "Assemble" (the tagline to the movie), prompting a night out on the town. 
Avengers Actors
Avengers Actors
19. The first Marvel film to make 1 billion dollars. Avengers Surpassed The Dark Knight (2008)'s record of $1,001,921,825 to become the highest grossing comic book film of all time.
Avengers Assemble
Avengers Assemble
18. Samuel L. Jackson's role as Nick Fury in this film makes him the second actor (after Hugh Jackman, who has appeared in all the X-men movies) to play the same comic book superhero in five different movies.
Samuel L Jackson as Nick Fury
Samuel L Jackson as Nick Fury
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17. The final end credit scene was added after Robert Downey Jr.. encouraged a scene rewrite: after Tony Stark falls back to Earth, he originally awakens and asks, "What's next?". Robert Downey Jr. thought the line could be more interesting, and the idea of going to a local shawarma restaurant was born. The scene was added one day after the global premiere. Since then, shawarma sales in Los Angeles, St. Louis, and Boston have reportedly skyrocketed.
Avengers at Swarma Restaurant
Avengers at Swarma Restaurant
16. Tom Hiddleston spoke of his role as Loki in an interview by saying, "I can tell you that it's all of them against me. I am the super villain. So it's Iron Man, the Incredible Hulk, Captain America, Thor, Hawkeye, Black Widow and Nick Fury forming a team because I've got so bad ass."
Villain Loki in Avengers 2012
Villain Loki in Avengers 2012
15. The laboratory scene where Bruce Banner explains how he once attempted to commit suicide by shooting himself in the mouth is a direct reference to a deleted scene from The Incredible Hulk (2008) where Edward Norton's Bruce Banner tried to commit suicide in this manner out in the middle of Alaska's wilderness only to be stopped by his transformation into the Hulk.
Bruce Banner aka Hulk
Bruce Banner aka Hulk
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14. In the movie, Captain America is a founding member. In the comics, Captain America was unfrozen in Avengers #4 when he was accidentally discovered when the team was looking for Namor the Sub Mariner.
Captain America, Hawkeye, Black Widow
Captain America, Hawkeye, Black Widow
13. According to Joss Whedon, the film is strongly influenced by the early 1960s Avengers comics, which he was a fan of while growing up: "In those comics these people shouldn't be in the same room let alone on the same team - and that is the definition of family."
Avengers 2012
Avengers 2012
12. Edward Norton was originally set to reprise his role from The Incredible Hulk (2008) but negotiations between him and Marvel Studios broke down. Norton was replaced with Mark Ruffalo who had also been considered for the role in the prior movie.
Edward Norton in The Incredible Hulk
Edward Norton in The Incredible Hulk
11.  Robert Downey Jr. initially pushed Joss Whedon to make Tony Stark the lead: "I said, I need to be in the opening sequence, Tony needs to drive this thing. He was like, okay, let's try that. We tried it... and it didn't work, because this is a different sort of thing, everybody is just an arm of the octopus."
Thor, Iron-man, and Captain America
Thor, Iron-man, and Captain America
Check out 17 Things I Bet That You Didn’t Know Before About “Iron Man (2008)” !!
10. As of 2013, this is the highest grossing film of all time not directed by James Cameron(Avengers is third under Titanic (1997)'s second place and Avatar (2009)'s first).
Thor, Captain America, Iron-man and Hulk
Thor, Captain America, Iron-man and Hulk
Check out Titanic (1997) : 28 Mind-blowing Facts About The Historic Movie!!
9. This film holds an unusually high number of Academy Award nominees in the cast/crew for a comic book movie, or most movies for that matter: Robert Downey Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow,Samuel L. Jackson, Jeremy Renner, Mark Ruffalo, director Joss Whedon, and cinematographer Seamus McGarvey, possibly many others. This tops Iron Man (2008) and Iron Man 2 (2010) which each had four acting nominees a piece. X-Men: Days of Future Past(2014) broke the record with an impressive eight Oscar-nominated cast members.
Cast of Avengers 2012
Cast of Avengers 2012
8. Only the paint on Captain America's shield is scratched in the film. In the comics, his shield is made of an vibranium/iron alloy with a third mystery catalyst and can only be damaged by beings who possess nigh-ultimate power, such as Molecule Man, Rune King, Thor, or Thanos w/ Infinity Gauntlet. The shield is otherwise impervious.
Captain America Shield
Captain America Shield
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7. In the closing montage of the film, Pepper Potts shows Tony Stark a hologram of plans to rebuild the top of Stark Tower. In the hologram a Quinjet is clearly visible in the middle of the structure, one among several hints in the film to the possible use of Stark Tower as future Headquarters of the Avengers (as occurred in the comic series). 
Tony Stark and Pepper Potts
Tony Stark and Pepper Potts
6. The film's shooting schedule was 93 days, but filming was completed one day early.
Thor and Captain America
Thor and Captain America
5. Loki's feet never touch the ground from the time of the three-way fight between Captain America, Ironman, and Thor to his final scene. He is either on the helicarrier, in Stark Tower or flying around New York on one of the alien craft.
Loki in Catching Hawkeye's arrow
Loki in Catching Hawkeye’s arrow
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4. Robert Downey Jr. asked the Marvel production manager permission to take away the letter "A" that was on the Stark Tower with him, but they declined. However, on his next birthday the manager gave it to him as his birthday gift.
A for Avengers
A for Avengers
3. Stan Lee, creator of such Marvel comics as the X-Men, Spider-Man, the Hulk, the Fantastic Four, Iron Man, Thor, and many others, is the old man being interviewed at the end of the New York battle montage who says: "Superheroes in New York? Give me a break!" and then returns to a game of chess with a fellow senior citizen. He also appeared in a deleted scene: after witnessing a waitress flirt with Steve Rogers, Lee's character says, "Ask for her number, you moron!"
Stan Lee
Stan Lee
2. Joss Whedon said on asking about Killing off a popular character - "Agent Phil Coulson, a character who earned considerable popularity with fans through his appearance in almost all of the previous Marvel Studios films, is killed off in the middle of the film, giving the Avengers someone to avenge". On the commentary, Whedon says that it was not his decision to kill off Coulson in the film and that Marvel Studios' Kevin Feige made the call. Whedon would later bring Coulson back in the TV show Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (2013).
Agent Phil Coulson
Agent Phil Coulson
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1. According to Joss Whedon, it was his decision to include Thanos in a post-credits scene: "He for me is THE most powerful and fascinating Marvel villain. He's the great-granddaddy of the badasses and he's in love with Death and I just think that's so cute. Somebody had to be in control and had to be behind Loki's work and I was like it's got to be Thanos."
Super Villain Thanos
Super Villain Thanos

14 Facts You Need To Know About Star Wars Episode VII – The Force Awakens (2015)!!

Star Wars  Episode VII- The Force Awakens (2015) is an upcoming sequel to the previous Stars Wars franchise. Star wars is one of the most successful franchise in Hollywood.

All previous Star Wars movie were directed by George Lucas except, The Force Awakens (2015) is been directed by J. J. Abrams. The movie starsHarrison Ford, Mark Hamill, andCarrie Fisher as the lead. They will be reprising their previous roles.

The movie is set to release on 18th December 2015.
Before that, we should know some interesting facts about Star Wars Episode VII – The Force Awakens (2015). 

Here it is.

14. The film takes place 30 years after “Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi (1983)”, 54 years after “Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith (2005)” and 68 years after “Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace (1999)”.

Star wars episode VII poster
Star wars episode VII poster

13. Michael Arndt penned the script for this film based on an outline by George Lucas for his abandoned sequel trilogy to the original Star Wars saga. Though few details of this outline have been made public, author Dave Pollackconfirmed that the story would focus on the building of the New Republic after the fall of the Empire, that Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia and Han Solo would all appear, and that the children of Luke, Leia and Han would serve as the main characters of the story.

Check out Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope (1977): 26 Epic Facts You Missed!!

12. When he was interviewed about “Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi (1983)” on TV-AM in the UK in 1983. Mark Hamill (Luke Skywalker) stated that George Lucas had considered on bringing Mark Hamill back as Luke Skywalker as a Obi-wan Kenobi-like character passing Excalibur onto the next generation in Episode VII and that Star Wars Episode VII would not be until 2011.

11. Adam Driver is in the role of main the villain. Michael Fassbender and Hugo Weaving were also considered for the role.

10. Directors discussed to helm the film includedMatthew Vaughn, Steven Spielberg, Guillermo del Toro, Peter Jackson, Christopher Nolan, Ben Affleck, Joss Whedon, Brad Bird, Rian Johnsonand James Cameron, before J.J. Abrams was eventually selected. Johnson was later announced to direct the next two Star Wars films.

9. By signing on to direct this film, J.J. Abramsbecomes the first director to direct a Star Trek(2009) film and a Star Wars film.

8. As of November 6, 2014, principal photography of Star Wars episode VII is finished . The movie is in Post Production.

7. Kevin Smith and Benedict Cumberbatch visited the set. Smith infamous for his open and talkative nature, was forced to sign a non-disclosure agreement, and J.J. Abrams had World War 2 style propaganda posters titled “Loose Lips Sink Starships” hung up around the set as a reminder to Smith not to reveal spoilers for the film to the public. True to his word, the only tidbit Smith revealed about his visit was that he cried when he stood on the Millennium Falcon set, as it reminded him of how much he loved Star Wars as a child.

6. Mark Hamill (Luke Skywalker), Harrison Ford(Han Solo), Carrie Fisher (Princess Leia)’,Anthony Daniels (C-3PO), Kenny Baker (R2-D2),Peter Mayhew (Chewbacca) are the only actors to reprise their roles from the original “Star Wars” trilogy while Daniels, Baker and Mayhew are the only actors to reprise their roles from the prequel trilogy.

5. Star Wars Episode VII will not be filmed in native 3D, but it will be converted in stereoscopic 3D in post production.

4. British actor Denis Lawson, X-wing pilot Wedge Antilles during the original Star Wars trilogy, has confirmed that he turned down an invite from Disney to reprise his role in the new installments. Lawson told British press that “I’m not going to do that. They asked me but it just would have bored me.”

3. It was originally rumored Star Wars Episode VII and the following installments would follow Ben Skywalker, son of Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade and the expanded universe would officially be apart of the Star Wars canon. The rumor was false, when it was announced that Episode VII would disregard the expanded universe.

2. Every Star Wars movie has been released in May and this will be the first to be released in December.

1. It is heavily rumored on the internet that Han Solo will die.

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19 Real Facts About The Vietnam War Movie Full Metal Jacket (1987)!!

Full Metal Jacket (1987) is a War/Drama movie directed by Stanley Kubrick. The movie revolves around a pragmatic U.S. Marine, who observes the dehumanizing effects the U.S.-Vietnam War has on his fellow recruits from their brutal boot camp training to the bloody street fighting in Hue.

Full Metal Jacket is indeed one of the best war movie ever made.The movie was nominated for 1 Oscar and had several other wins.

Let’s look at some of the interesting facts about this movie.

19. The videotape demonstration was not the only factor which got R. Lee Ermey the role as the drill instructor Hartmann. Ermey went to Stanley Kubrick and asked for that part and convinced that the actors on the set were not up to snuff. When Kubrick declined, Ermey barked an order for Kubrick to stand up when he was spoken to, and the director instinctively obeyed. That sealed the matter, and Ermey won the part as Gunnery Sgt. Hartmann.

18. To make Gunnery Sgt. Hartmann’s performance and the recruits’ reactions as convincing as possible, Matthew Modine, Vincent D’Onofrio, and the other actors playing recruits never met R. Lee Ermey prior to filming. Stanley Kubrick also took care of it that Ermey didn’t fraternize with the actors between takes.

Full Metal Jacket
Full Metal Jacket poster

17. R. Lee Ermey actually slapped Vincent D’Onofrio(Pvt. Pyle) in the scene where he knocks his hat off. It was actually D’Onofrio’s idea to get slapped. Unfortunately for him, he forgot about Stanley Kubrick’s perfectionism. He had to endure take after take of real slaps. Ermey (being a muscular former Marine) tried not give any damage to D’Onofrio. But his first mild slaps drove him to slap more violently.

16. Vincent D’Onofrio gained 70 pounds for his role as Pvt. Pyle, breaking Robert De Niro’s movie weight-gain record (60 pounds) for Raging Bull(1980). It took him seven months to put the weight on and nine months to take it off with physical training.

15. According to an interview with Vincent D’Onofrio, the production schedule for the film was so drawn-out that lead actor Matthew Modine(Pvt. Joker) got married, conceived a child with his wife, the child was born, and then turned 1 year old…all during the course of filming.

14. Another cut scene involved a sex scene between Pvt. Joker and the Vietnamese prostitute. According to the actress, Stanley Kubrick cut the scene because it detracted from the cold mood of the film.

13. In his memoir, Matthew Modine claims thatStanley Kubrick didn’t want him to leave the set to be present at his wife’s delivery, and he threatened to injure himself in order to get to the hospital before Kubrick relented and allowed him to leave.

12. Advertisements for this film were censored in some parts of Canada due to the tagline “In Vietnam the wind doesn’t blow, it sucks.” At that time, Canadian censors had not yet decided whether the phrase “it sucks” (or “this sucks”) was obscene.

11. The Vietnam sequences of the film were shot first, the Parris Island scenes second. The graduation of the recruits was the last scene shot.

10. The Charles Whitman shootings (which Sgt. Hartmann describes to the recruits as an example of “what one motivated Marine and his rifle can do”) took place 1 August, 1966, presumably a few months before the recruits arrive on Parris Island. Though only one person (Cowboy) raises his hand when the recruits are asked who Charles Whitman was, the Associated Press and United Press International called the shootings the second most important news story of 1966 – trailing only the Vietnam War.

9. While location scouting for the film Stanley Kubrick was driving his wife’s new SUV around the countryside with cinematographer Douglas Milsome and R. Lee Ermey as passengers. At one point Kubrick noticed a potential location out his window, and became so distracted describing to Milsome how he wanted the location used in the film that he crashed the car into a six foot deep ditch, rolling the SUV onto its side. Undeterred, Kubrick continued talking about the location uninterrupted as they climbed out of the car and walked back home.

8. Most actors auditioned for their roles by submitting videotapes of themselves performing a scene in Vietnam. Stanley Kubrickand the studio placed ads throughout the US for young aspiring actors to send in audition tapes for the film. They received around 3000, of which Kubrick personally watched about 800.

7. Lines from the scene in which Private Joker (Matthew Modine) and Private Rafterman (Kevyn Major Howard) are approached by the Da Nang Hooker (Papillon Soo) were sampled in 2 Live Crew’s 1989 hit “Me So Horny” on the album ‘As Nasty As They Wanna Be’. The exchange between Joker and the hooker – “What do we get for ten dollars? / Every t’ing you want. / Everything? / Every t’ing.” – is used at the very beginning of the song. While the “Me so horny. Me love you long time” sample is used in the chorus of the song, as well as throughout. If you listen carefully to the samples at the very beginning and end of the song, you can hear Nancy Sinatra’s “These Boots Are Made for Walkin'”, which plays under the original scene in the movie. The song also contains a sample from Which Way Is Up?(1977).

6. This was Stanley Kubrick’s first film edited by computer rather than linearly spliced film.

5. Stanley Kubrick’s frequent cinematographerJohn Alcott was approached to shoot the movie but turned it down, instead focusing on US-based projects, and Alcott’s focus pullerDouglas Milsome took over his duties. Filming took about six months and was shut down for 20 weeks from June 1985 to September 1986. Alcott died of a heart attack at end of July 1986.

4. If you pay attention to Joker’s uniform collar throughout the movie, you’ll notice that he starts out as a Private and by then end of the movie he is a Sergeant.

3. There was supposes to be an extra scene after Joker killed the sniper,it even was in the script. After Joker killed the sniper, Animal Mother would bring out his machete and chop of the sniper’s head and throw it out the window. The scene was cut for obvious reasons.

2. The term “full metal jacket” refers to the type of small arms ammunition used in warfare, as heard in Private Pyle’s famous line spoken on the toilet, “7.62 millimeter, full… metal… jacket.” Full metal jacket ammunition has a copper coating covering the lead core of its projectile. Under the Geneva Convention, only FMJ can be used by military personnel. FMJ bullets while very deadly are more likely to pass through a person without greatly expanding or breaking up than other types of bullets (hollow point or unjacketed soft lead bullets). Thus the title is a commentary on the absurdity of trying to make civilized rules for war.

1. The only three female actors with lines (not counting stock audio footage in the soundtrack) are Papillon Soo as the Da Nang hooker, Ngoc Le, as the Vietcong sniper and Leanne Hong as the Motorbike Hooker.