Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)- 23 Impressive Facts You Should Know!!

16. “Batman v superman: Dawn of Justice”  is aftermath of “Man of Steel” 

The main reason for Batman and Superman fight is because of the events of Man of Steel (2014). A Bruce Wayne’s Financial company building was destroyed. Batman is also scared of Superman’s limitless power and no supervision. Human race will be in extreme danger if Superman decides to use his power against humans. Many people see Superman as a hero but there are also people who consider him false god. Superman is also conflicted as to what he wants to do.

Superman in Batman v Superman
Superman in Batman v Superman

15. “Batman’s strength is not through his armour and gadgets” said Zack Snyder! 

Zack Snyder has stated about Batman’s look that the most important thing for Batman is that he fights a really hulking big guy who is super pumped up. Batman needs to be bigger than Superman in silhouette. Batman’s strength is not through his armour and gadgets. He is basically a tower of muscle.


Check out The Dark Knight (2008): 24 Outstanding Facts About The Movie!!

14. Ben Affleck is 18 months older than Christian Bale! 

This is first time that the actor taking on the role of Batman/Bruce Wayne is older than the actor last played that role in a movie. Ben Affleck is 18 months older than Christian Bale. It is noted that all other times the actor taking on the role of Batman is younger than the actor who previously played the role. Val Kilmer took the role from Michael Keaton (Kilmer 8 years younger than Keaton). George Clooney took it from Van Kilmer (Clooney 18 months younger than Kilmer). Then Christian Bale took the role from George Clooney (Bale being 13 years younger than Clooney).

Bat suit and Ben Affleck
Bat suit and Ben Affleck

13. Superman changed his costume.. Specially “S” 

Superman’s suit design is changed from the previous movie. The suit is made considerably brighter and blue colour is made into bright gold. The “S” on the suit also contains changed patterns.

Batman v superman: Dawn of Justice
Batman v superman: Dawn of Justice

12. Superheros fight and Supervillains unite in 2016!

DC’s Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016) is set to release in the same year as Marvel’s movie Captain America: Civil War (2016). Both movies are about superheroes fighting each other.

Captain America Civil War 2016 Poster
Captain America Civil War 2016 Poster

Check out 14 Teasers Facts About Upcoming Movie Captain America: Civil War (2016)!!

11. Wonder Woman costume is best of all! 

There are Amazonian writing on the costume of Wonder Woman similar to how Kryptonian writing was put into Superman’s suit design. Costume designer Michael Wilkinson took special care of the writings and meanings on Superheroes suits.

Trinity fishing Doomsday
Trinity fishing Doomsday

10. Ben Affleck, Then Daredevil now Batman! 

Ben Affleck has previously appeared in a Superhero film as Daredevil/Matt Murdock in Daredevil (2003). Now he appears as Batman in Batman V Superman. Daredevil and Batman share some similarities; both are  martial artist and started fighting crime after loss of a family member.

Ben Affleck played Daredevil
Ben Affleck played Daredevil

9. Ben was also approached to direct! 

Ben Affleck was approached by Warner Bros. to direct a Justice League film and also play Batman in it. He was also approached to direct Man of Steel (2014). Eventually he plays Batman in this movie.

Batman, Superman, and Lex Luthor
Batman, Superman, and Lex Luthor

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Published by

Avinash Jha

Student, Blogger, Daydreamer, Movie geek and wanna be filmmaker

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