15 Fascinating Facts From Movie The Wolf of Wall Street (2013)!!

8. In an interview with Margot Robbie, she revealed that for the scene where Jordan and Naomi have sex for the first time in her apartment and her dog tries to jump up and bite him that they had trouble getting the dog to jump, so they had to put dog food and chicken livers all over Leonardo DiCaprio’s feet and between his toes.

7. This cast assembled by director Martin Scorsese’s film includes three other prominent directors in acting roles: Rob Reiner, Spike Jonze, and Jon Favreau.

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6. Leonardo DiCaprio cited Caligula (1979) as an inspiration for the way he wanted the excess and decadence depicted in the film.

5. The screenplay for this film was featured in the 2007 Blacklist; a list of the ‘most liked’ unmade scripts of the year.

4. Originally, Martin Scorsese offered Margot Robbie to appear wearing a bath-robe during the seduction scene between her and Leonardo DiCaprio. Robbie refused and insisted on doing the scene fully nude; her first in her career. According to Robbie: “The whole point of Naomi (her Character) is that her body is her only form of currency in this world…She has to be naked. She’s laying her cards on the table.” Robbie said she had three shots of tequila in succession before shooting the scene to relax. After shooting was complete, Robbie initially fibbed to her family and friends about actually doing the nude scene in order to delay any personal repercussions; claiming C.G.I. was used to superimpose her head on a body-double. She eventually changed her mind and confessed when the film was released.

3. Leonardo DiCaprio was paid $25 million for his role in The Wolf of Wall Street (2013), a quarter of the film’s budget, making him the highest paid star of the year.

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2. Jonah Hill wore a prosthetic penis when Donnie sees Naomi while masturbating at the party. The surprised reactions from the actors and extras were genuine.

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1. The Wolf of Wall Street (2013) shares similarities with Catch Me If You Can (2002), which also stars Leonardo DiCaprio. Both are based on autobiographies written by men who got caught for fraud, and both end with the protagonist begrudgingly cooperating with the FBI.


Published by

Avinash Jha

Student, Blogger, Daydreamer, Movie geek and wanna be filmmaker

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