Terminator GeniSys 2015 Poster

18 Mindblowing Facts About Movie Terminator GeniSys (2015)!!

9. This is Paramount studios first film in The Terminator franchise. James Cameron had first approached them to do The Terminator (1984) and they were very interested. However the only stipulation was that James Cameron does not direct the film. Since this was Cameron’s pet project at the time and wanted to direct the film he turned down their offer.

Your Clothes! Give them to me.. Now
Your Clothes! Give them to me.. Now

8. James Cameron gave advice to producers David Ellison and David Goldberg on how they could use a 67 year old Arnold Schwarzenegger in the film, by stating that the living human tissue that is grown on The Terminators, giving them their human forms is not actually synthetic, but organic and could therefore age and that they could have a Terminator sent back through time, missed his target and ended up living in society and due to his brain, which is a central processor (a learning computer) he could actually become more human and went along without getting discovered.

Arnold Schwarzenegger as Terminator Pops
Arnold Schwarzenegger as Terminator Pops

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7. The title “Genisys” refers to “SYS”, a computer term referring to the “System” or critical files that the system depends on to function properly, as well as “genesis”, a beginning or start (in context, the core of the story hinges on time-travel to where the war begins).

Terminator GeniSys
Terminator GeniSys

6. In the second trailer, when the Terminator meets Kyle Reese he says “Nice to meet you!” and makes a big funny smile and Sarah states that she had been teaching the Terminator to blend in. The scene was written as a nod to a scene that was cut from Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991), John teaches The Terminator to smile, so The Terminator can be more human and to blend in and The Terminator imitates a man talking on a phone, but the smile is imperfect and crooked and John insists that The Terminator should try practicing in an mirror.

Arnold Schwarzenegger in Terminator GeniSys 2015
Arnold Schwarzenegger in Terminator GeniSys 2015

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5. Although the phrase ‘Come with me if you want to live’ is spoken in all four Terminator films previous (Kyle Reese- The Terminator (1984), T-800- Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991), John Connor- Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003) and Kyle Reese- Terminator Salvation(2009)), this entry Terminator GeniSys (2015) marks the first time Sarah Connor uses this dialogue.

Come with me if you wanna live
Come with me if you wanna live

4. Lead Actors of Terminator GeniSys Emilia Clarke and Jason Clarke share the same last names, but are not related.

Emilia Clarke and Jason Clarke in Terminator GeniSys
Emilia Clarke and Jason Clarke in Terminator GeniSys

3. Video game developers were on set for the few days, in order to get all the details right for whatever video game they are developing alongside the movies.

Emilia Clarke and Jai Courtney in Terminator GeniSys
Emilia Clarke and Jai Courtney in Terminator GeniSys

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2. Arnold Schwarzenegger explained there are actually two versions of the same T-800 in Terminator GeniSys (2015), a younger version and an older version that has been reprogrammed.

Young and Old T-800
Young and Old T-800

1. Terminator GeniSys (2015) is the first film in the franchise in which Arnold Schwarzenegger doesn’t die at the end.

Terminator GeniSys 2015 movie
Terminator GeniSys 2015 movie


Published by

Avinash Jha

Student, Blogger, Daydreamer, Movie geek and wanna be filmmaker

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