Avatar (2009) : 15 Fabulous Facts You Are Still Unaware Of!!

Avatar (2009) is an action/adventure/sci-fi movie directed and written by visionary James Cameron. It tells the story of a Paraplegic Marine, who is dispatched to the moon Pandora on a unique mission becomes torn between following his orders and protecting the world he feels is his home..

Avatar (2009) stars Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldana, Sigourney Weaver, and Michelle Rodriguez in the lead roles.
Avatar (2009) won 3 Academy Awards (Oscars) in different categories including one in Best Cinematography. It also won several other Awards.

Today, I have a list of interesting facts and details about Avatar (2009), which you probably don’t know yet. Well, then let’s have a look.

Avatar 2009 movie poster
Avatar 2009 movie poster
15. Director James Cameron is known for being tough on set. He allegedly kept a nail-gun on set to nail cell phones, that had the misfortune of ringing, to a wall above the exit sign.
Director James Cameron
Director James Cameron
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14. At the time of auditioning, Actor Sam Worthington was living in his car and According to the him, he was invited to the casting via a phone call. Who called told him nothing about the script, nor even told the director's name and Sam was disappointed at first, thinking it was "another waste of time".
Sam Worthington and Sigourney Weaver
Sam Worthington and Sigourney Weaver
13. The Na'vi language was created entirely from scratch by linguist Dr. Paul R. Frommer. James Cameron hired him to construct a language that the actors could pronounce easily, but did not resemble any single human language. Frommer created about 1000 words.
Neytri and Jake
Neytri and Jake
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12. Director James Cameron was convinced that CGI effects had progressed enough to make this film when he saw Gollum in The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002).
Gollum in Lord of The Ring
Gollum in Lord of The Ring
11. Each frame (1/24 of a second) of the CGI scenes in the movie took an average of 47 hours to render.
CGI in Avatar movie
CGI in Avatar movie
10. According to lead character Jake's video logs, the entire film (on Pandora) takes place over a 96-day period. The first log is dated 05/19/2154 and the last 08/24/2154 - 3 months and 5 days later.
Jake's video log
Jake’s video log
9. According to James Cameron, the Na'vi are blue to create a conceptual parallel with traditional Hindu depictions of God (e.g., in the forms of Vishnu, Shiva, Rama, Krishna, etc.), but also because "I just like the color blue."
Jake and Neytri in Avatar movie
Jake and Neytri in Avatar movie
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