21 Lesser Known Facts About Marvel’s The Avengers (2012)!!

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The Avengers (2012) is an Action/Adventure movie about the Earth’s mightiest heroes, who must come together and learn to fight as a team if they are to stop the mischievous Loki and his alien army from enslaving humanity.
The movie is made under Marvel Cinematic Universe and directed by Joss Whedon.

The movie stars Robert Downey Jr (as Iron-man), Chris Evans (as Captain America), Chris Hemsworth (as Thor), Mark Ruffalo (as Hulk), Tom Hiddlestone (as Loki), Scarlett Johansson (as Black Widow), Jeremy Renner (as Hawkeye) and Samuel Jackson (as Nick Fury).
The movie was a big Blockbuster and held many records worldwide.

Let’s look at some of the Kick-Ass Facts about the Movie The Avengers (2012).

Avengers 2012
Avengers 2012
21. Reportedly a scene was filmed where during the final battle Captain America saves an old man trying to protect his grandchildren. He tells him to 'Get them to cover' but as he walks away the old man asks him "Cap, is that really you?'. He turns and, noting the man's World War II veteran lapel pin, trades salutes with him. As Captain America sprints away the children ask their grandfather 'Do you know him?' and he replies 'We ALL know him'.
Captain America in Avengers 2012
Captain America in Avengers 2012
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20. There were very few times that everyone was in town at once, but on one night when they were,Chris Evans sent them all a text message simply saying "Assemble" (the tagline to the movie), prompting a night out on the town. 
Avengers Actors
Avengers Actors
19. The first Marvel film to make 1 billion dollars. Avengers Surpassed The Dark Knight (2008)'s record of $1,001,921,825 to become the highest grossing comic book film of all time.
Avengers Assemble
Avengers Assemble
18. Samuel L. Jackson's role as Nick Fury in this film makes him the second actor (after Hugh Jackman, who has appeared in all the X-men movies) to play the same comic book superhero in five different movies.
Samuel L Jackson as Nick Fury
Samuel L Jackson as Nick Fury
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17. The final end credit scene was added after Robert Downey Jr.. encouraged a scene rewrite: after Tony Stark falls back to Earth, he originally awakens and asks, "What's next?". Robert Downey Jr. thought the line could be more interesting, and the idea of going to a local shawarma restaurant was born. The scene was added one day after the global premiere. Since then, shawarma sales in Los Angeles, St. Louis, and Boston have reportedly skyrocketed.
Avengers at Swarma Restaurant
Avengers at Swarma Restaurant
16. Tom Hiddleston spoke of his role as Loki in an interview by saying, "I can tell you that it's all of them against me. I am the super villain. So it's Iron Man, the Incredible Hulk, Captain America, Thor, Hawkeye, Black Widow and Nick Fury forming a team because I've got so bad ass."
Villain Loki in Avengers 2012
Villain Loki in Avengers 2012
15. The laboratory scene where Bruce Banner explains how he once attempted to commit suicide by shooting himself in the mouth is a direct reference to a deleted scene from The Incredible Hulk (2008) where Edward Norton's Bruce Banner tried to commit suicide in this manner out in the middle of Alaska's wilderness only to be stopped by his transformation into the Hulk.
Bruce Banner aka Hulk
Bruce Banner aka Hulk
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14. In the movie, Captain America is a founding member. In the comics, Captain America was unfrozen in Avengers #4 when he was accidentally discovered when the team was looking for Namor the Sub Mariner.
Captain America, Hawkeye, Black Widow
Captain America, Hawkeye, Black Widow
13. According to Joss Whedon, the film is strongly influenced by the early 1960s Avengers comics, which he was a fan of while growing up: "In those comics these people shouldn't be in the same room let alone on the same team - and that is the definition of family."
Avengers 2012
Avengers 2012
12. Edward Norton was originally set to reprise his role from The Incredible Hulk (2008) but negotiations between him and Marvel Studios broke down. Norton was replaced with Mark Ruffalo who had also been considered for the role in the prior movie.
Edward Norton in The Incredible Hulk
Edward Norton in The Incredible Hulk
11.  Robert Downey Jr. initially pushed Joss Whedon to make Tony Stark the lead: "I said, I need to be in the opening sequence, Tony needs to drive this thing. He was like, okay, let's try that. We tried it... and it didn't work, because this is a different sort of thing, everybody is just an arm of the octopus."
Thor, Iron-man, and Captain America
Thor, Iron-man, and Captain America
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10. As of 2013, this is the highest grossing film of all time not directed by James Cameron(Avengers is third under Titanic (1997)'s second place and Avatar (2009)'s first).
Thor, Captain America, Iron-man and Hulk
Thor, Captain America, Iron-man and Hulk
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9. This film holds an unusually high number of Academy Award nominees in the cast/crew for a comic book movie, or most movies for that matter: Robert Downey Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow,Samuel L. Jackson, Jeremy Renner, Mark Ruffalo, director Joss Whedon, and cinematographer Seamus McGarvey, possibly many others. This tops Iron Man (2008) and Iron Man 2 (2010) which each had four acting nominees a piece. X-Men: Days of Future Past(2014) broke the record with an impressive eight Oscar-nominated cast members.
Cast of Avengers 2012
Cast of Avengers 2012
8. Only the paint on Captain America's shield is scratched in the film. In the comics, his shield is made of an vibranium/iron alloy with a third mystery catalyst and can only be damaged by beings who possess nigh-ultimate power, such as Molecule Man, Rune King, Thor, or Thanos w/ Infinity Gauntlet. The shield is otherwise impervious.
Captain America Shield
Captain America Shield
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7. In the closing montage of the film, Pepper Potts shows Tony Stark a hologram of plans to rebuild the top of Stark Tower. In the hologram a Quinjet is clearly visible in the middle of the structure, one among several hints in the film to the possible use of Stark Tower as future Headquarters of the Avengers (as occurred in the comic series). 
Tony Stark and Pepper Potts
Tony Stark and Pepper Potts
6. The film's shooting schedule was 93 days, but filming was completed one day early.
Thor and Captain America
Thor and Captain America
5. Loki's feet never touch the ground from the time of the three-way fight between Captain America, Ironman, and Thor to his final scene. He is either on the helicarrier, in Stark Tower or flying around New York on one of the alien craft.
Loki in Catching Hawkeye's arrow
Loki in Catching Hawkeye’s arrow
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4. Robert Downey Jr. asked the Marvel production manager permission to take away the letter "A" that was on the Stark Tower with him, but they declined. However, on his next birthday the manager gave it to him as his birthday gift.
A for Avengers
A for Avengers
3. Stan Lee, creator of such Marvel comics as the X-Men, Spider-Man, the Hulk, the Fantastic Four, Iron Man, Thor, and many others, is the old man being interviewed at the end of the New York battle montage who says: "Superheroes in New York? Give me a break!" and then returns to a game of chess with a fellow senior citizen. He also appeared in a deleted scene: after witnessing a waitress flirt with Steve Rogers, Lee's character says, "Ask for her number, you moron!"
Stan Lee
Stan Lee
2. Joss Whedon said on asking about Killing off a popular character - "Agent Phil Coulson, a character who earned considerable popularity with fans through his appearance in almost all of the previous Marvel Studios films, is killed off in the middle of the film, giving the Avengers someone to avenge". On the commentary, Whedon says that it was not his decision to kill off Coulson in the film and that Marvel Studios' Kevin Feige made the call. Whedon would later bring Coulson back in the TV show Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (2013).
Agent Phil Coulson
Agent Phil Coulson
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1. According to Joss Whedon, it was his decision to include Thanos in a post-credits scene: "He for me is THE most powerful and fascinating Marvel villain. He's the great-granddaddy of the badasses and he's in love with Death and I just think that's so cute. Somebody had to be in control and had to be behind Loki's work and I was like it's got to be Thanos."
Super Villain Thanos
Super Villain Thanos