11 Teaser Facts About Upcoming Movie Batman V Superman : Dawn Of Justice (2016)!!

Batman V Superman : Dawn Of Justice (2016) is an Action/Adventure movie produced under DC Cinematic Multiverse and directed by Zack Snyder. The movie stars Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Gal Gadot, Amy Adams, and Jason Momoa in the lead roles.

Batman V Superman : Dawn of Justice (2016) tells the story of rivalry between Batman and Superman over personal and public issues. Batman V Superman (2016) also has Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman and Jason Momoa as Aquaman. The movie has a strong star cast and a very interesting story to tell.

Batman V Superman : Dawn Of Justice (2016) Poster
Batman V Superman : Dawn Of Justice (2016) Poster

The movie is set to release on 25th March 2016. Well, till then I have put together a list of interesting facts and details about Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016). Let’s have a look.

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1. To pass time between takes, Henry Cavill and Ben Affleck would see who could lift the heaviest weights above their head. A small rivalry broke out between the two actors, resulting in arguments on set. Snyder liked this as it added extra tension to the scenes they filmed together.

2. Christian Bale mentioned in an interview that he felt like he wanted to continue playing Batman. He stated “I’m jealous of someone else playing Batman”. Bale portrayed Bruce Wayne/ Batman in the Dark Knight Trilogy.

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3. The producers state this is the very first DC Comics film that opens up to a cinematic universe for its heroes: “Batman is being brought into the universe that now this Superman lives in.”

4. This will be the first live action film to include Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman (or the Trinity) together.

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5. This will be the ninth time Batman has portrayed since 1943. Superman, on the other hand, has been portrayed Sixteen times since 1939.

6. Executive producer Christopher Nolan who directed the Dark Knight trilogy: Batman Begins(2005), The Dark Knight (2008) and The Dark Knight Rises (2012) stated that this film will be a reboot for the character of Bruce Wayne/Batman as this will have no association with his Dark Knight trilogy.

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7. This will be Zack Snyder’s third film with DC. His first being Watchmen, and his second being Man of Steel. Zack has signed on for two more movies to direct and those two are The Justice League part one and two.

8. This will be the first time that we will see Batman in a 3D movie.

9. According to some rumors, Jared Leto as The Joker, will have a cameo in a Post Credit scene, which will be the opening scene of Suicide Squad. In addition to that, Superman will know the existence of The Joker throughout the movie and he will haunt Batman with it. Heath Ledger played Joker in the previous Batman movie: The Dark Knight (2008). He also won Best Actor (Posthumous) Oscar for the role. 

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10. Lex Luthor is rumored to be in posession of Kryptonite, which was obtained by his aquisition of the debris of the World Machine used by General Zod in Man of Steel (2013). Further to this, Batman is rumored to break into Lexcorp and take some of the Kryptonite for use in his battle with Superman.

11. According to Batman-News, the suit of armor will be outfitted with Kryptonite and packing firepower beyond raw strength (in this case, “missiles”). The details are claimed to be secondhand from Ben Affleck’s trainer on the film, Rehan Jalali. That implies these details be taken with a grain of salt, but there has been prior evidence that Snyder would be turning to Kryptonite to help even the playing field, despite keeping it absent from Man of Steel entirely.