The Hunger Games 2012 movie poster

The Hunger Games (2012) : 16 Impressive Facts To Know About The Movie!!

9. Actress Elizabeth Banks spent 45 minutes every day having manicures done on her fingers for  the role of Effie Trinket.
Elizabeth Banks and Jennifer Lawrence
Elizabeth Banks and Jennifer Lawrence
8. The director of The Hunger Games (2012) Gary Ross has stated that his decision to go with shaky cam work, "had a lot to do with urgency of what's going on and to reflect Katniss's point of view." He also mentioned that he wanted to avoid a polished, static camera look at all costs, since that would reduce the violence to mere entertainment and be completely contrary to the movie's intention.
Josh Hutcherson in The Hunger Games 2012
Josh Hutcherson in The Hunger Games 2012
7. The Hunger Games is the second movie in two years (after Winter's Bone (2010)) in which Jennifer Lawrence plays a character who feeds her destitute family and herself partly by catching and killing squirrels.
Jennifer Lawrence and Liam Hemsworth
Jennifer Lawrence and Liam Hemsworth
6. Including the 22 tributes that died in the recent Hunger Games (2012) a total of 1,725 tributes have died in the 74 year history of Hunger Games in Panem.
Katniss Everdeen after Rue dies
Katniss Everdeen after Rue dies
5. Access Elizabeth Bank's character name is Effie Trinket, which is the combination of the common Greek name 'Effie'(Euphemia) meaning "Well spoken" or "To speak well." And the word 'Trinket' as in a small ornament or item of jewelry that is of little value. Which when combined describes her character very well.
Elizabeth Banks as Effie Trinket
Elizabeth Banks as Effie Trinket
4. Total Body count in The Hunger Games (2012) is 39 deaths. (17 from a flashback scene)
Dead Tribute in The Hunger Games 2012
Dead Tribute in The Hunger Games 2012
3. War Horse (2011) lead actor Jeremy Irvine was approached for the role of Peeta Mellark, but he turned it down because he didn't want to be famous.
Jeremy Irvine in War Horse
Jeremy Irvine in War Horse
2. The screenplay for The Hunger Games (2012) was featured in the 2010 Blacklist. Blacklist is a list of the "most liked" unmade scripts of the year.
Tributes in 74th Hunger Games
Tributes in 74th Hunger Games
1. Actress Jennifer Lawrence said in an interview that she accepted the role of Katniss Everdeen in The Hunger Games (2012) because she admired Katniss' personality and spirit.
Jennifer Lawrence in The Hunger Games 2012
Jennifer Lawrence in The Hunger Games 2012

Published by

Avinash Jha

Student, Blogger, Daydreamer, Movie geek and wanna be filmmaker

One thought on “The Hunger Games (2012) : 16 Impressive Facts To Know About The Movie!!”

  1. Ooh. I never considered that aspcet of Foxface’s death. How horrible would that be? That among her last thoughts would be, Well, at least these two won’t do anything bad to my body. Sadness. Now I want to give Foxface a hug again. Wonderful review. Like many, this movie and associated book series has eaten my brain and I mull it over in my head frequently. (And I’ve got a movie pass that I intend to use to watch it again, if the stars align.) Thanks, by the way, for reiterating the underlying message of children dying is bad, m’kay?’, because that’s something that has such potential to get lost in the telling of the story. How terrible of an upbringing must a Career tribute have, to be raised from an early age knowing they’re going to have to kill or be killed? Worst. Birthday parties. Ever. Augh. This series breaks my heart a little bit, each and every time I go back through it.


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